Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 359


The makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll for February 9, 2015
You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Well, it isn’t exactly a poll. It’s more of a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.

Stripes, plaid or polka dots?
All three at once!

Kiusoittelen vain.

Eräänlainen. but if I had to pick one…I would definitely pick plaid.

I love plaid shirts, and I won’t say no to a really well-fitting pair of plaid pants.

Do your brows match your hair color?
Uh…not really. My brows are my natural hair color, which is a dark, dark brown — almost black — but my current hair color is some kind of chocolatey thing. They haven’t matched in a really long time, and I also — oh, I also always go one shade lighter when I fill in my brows because I feel like it makes them look less harsh.

So the long answer to a short question is “no.”

This week I’m really looking forward to…
I’m really looking forward to Saturday, because El Hub got us tickets to the symphony!

Should be a lot of fun. It’s been a few years since we’ve gone, and I get to dress up a little.

What advice would you give to a pal who wants to get into your line of work?

For blogging, get really handy with a camera. Not only is it empowering to not have to depend on other people to take your pics, but it makes everything easier. and when you sit down at the keyboard, try to approach your projects from a place of joy and love. Leave all of your other baggage out of the mix.

Try to, at least. It’s very hard sometimes, but try.

If you were a song today, what song would you be?
Charli XCX’s boom Clap.

‘Tarpeeksi sanottu.


Sinun vuorosi. just copy and paste the following questions into a comment with your answers. I look forward to reading ’em!

1. Stripes, plaid or polka dots?
2. Do your brows match your hair color?
3. this week I’m really looking forward to…
4. What advice would you give to a pal who wants to get into your line of work?
5. If you were a song today, what song would you be?


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

I would raise my cup of coffee to you, but I’m not drinking coffee today… I’m drinking tea.

It’s good green tea, though. So I raise my cup of tea to you, my friend! I hope you have an easy week highlighted by bouts of honest laughter.


In other news…I’m kind of heartbroken about what happened on The walking Dead last night, because first Bob, then Beth, and now this? It feels like all of the loving, gentle characters who had hoped for a better world are being picked off, one by one.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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