Makeup ja kauneus blogi maanantaina kysely, vol. 532



So…what is the Monday Poll?

Hyvä kysymys! Se ei ole sen nimen, todellinen kysely. Se on vain luettelo viidestä tai vähemmän satunnaisesta kysymyksestä, jonka olen lähettänyt tähän blogiin joka maanantai aamuna aiempiin gazillion vuosien ajan (yli 10!). Rakastan lukemista vastauksiasi, ja se auttaa minua saamaan viikoksi loistava alku. ?

1. A drugstore beauty product you swear by?

Cetaphil, baby! It’s totally old school, I know, but it’s always worked for me, and I’ve been using it off and on for…gosh, almost 20 years now? It’s one of the longest relationships I’ve ever had!

2. When did you start shaving your legs?

Keskikoulu. Seitsemäs luokka. So, 12. I was wearing my favorite olive green plaid shorts with a matching green vest, and the girl who had the locker below mine said, “Did you forget to shave today?”


I looked down at my shins and was suddenly and painfully aware that I had leg hair.

How did I never notice it before??

When I saw my mom that evening I asked if I could borrow a razor, and she said, “Why do you need to shave your legs? I don’t need to shave mine.” I’m pretty sure my response involved a very heavy and loud sigh…


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

Anyway, I sneaked one of my dad’s disposables, and shaved my legs for the first time in the shower that night.

3. Last beauty product you recommended to someone in person?

Biologique Recherche P50 1970!

4. Last time you washed your makeup brushes?

Um… A month ago? No, really, you don’t want to know… I have a whole box full of them that need to be deep-cleaned!

5. Something you have to do today?

Ugh, make an appointment with the dentist to get my teeth cleaned.

Best mug ever!

Please note that the mug I’m holding in the pic at the top says this:

Never in the history of mugs has this ever been more apt.

If my cupboards weren’t bursting with cat lady mugs, I would’ve picked it up in a heartbeat.

Speaking o’ mugs, I’m going to refill mine right now with coffee made from my new coffee maker! Did I forget to tell you about the coffee maker incident from last week?! DUDE. I had a work call at the crack of dawn last Monday (or was it Tuesday? Anyway, it was really early!), and when I went into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee from the machine I’d programmed the night before to brew at 5:45, the coffee maker was KAPUT. Kuollut. totally deceased!

It just so happens that we had an extra 2-cup coffee maker my in-laws gave to us before they moved back to Hawaii, which I ended up using that morning, so crisis averted, but it’s one of those mini ones that you get at hotels, and it doesn’t really work well.

Long story short, I got a new one, and I’m very excited about it, because, apparently it makes some excellent coffee! — as evidenced by my rambling in print. ?

Hope your caffeine has also kicked in!

Ystävällinen naapuruston kauneuden addikti,



P.S. here are the questions for you to copy and paste with your answers in a comment:

1. A drugstore beauty product you swear by?
2. When did you start shaving your legs?
3. Last beauty product you recommended to someone in person?
4. Last time you washed your makeup brushes?
5. Something you have to do today?

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